domingo, mayo 18, 2008

Few and Far Between

This is something that we've been talking a lot about lately. Friends. They are hard to find. Being in the working world leaves little time to go out and make friends. And in a small town like Santiago it's even harder. Friendships here go almost all the way back to pre-school, which is great, but you can just imagine how hard it is to try and squeeze into an already long established circle of friends. It's just not going to happen.

With this in mind, we were fortunate to spend time with old friends, Lindsey and Caleb, who were in town a few weekends ago from Barcelona. It was great to sit in a café with Lindsey and just talk for a few hours. I think we both really needed it, and I had really missed that. I also got to see her two amazing kids and watch a little bit of Monsters with them. Thank you Jonas for watering my flowers and picking weeds :)

And if that weren't enough, the same weekend Sarah and her husband Miquel were also in town. We took them to a few of our favorite places to eat out. Did you know you can find NC BBQ in Galicia? We're not all that different after all!

having a baby