lunes, noviembre 08, 2004

Crazy Cat Woman

Kelly described her in one of her know, the crazy old woman who takes in all the strays. I can relate. I'm crazy about my two cats, Paco and Michu. One day when I'm old and gray you might find me in an old cabin in the woods with a big, colored knit scarf, long baggy skirt, and birkenstocks stepping out on the porch saying, "Here kitty kitty kitty!"

I love my cats. They're like children to me. I love walking in the door in having them sitting at the door waiting for me. It is a little sickening though when Jose and I walk in and start talking baby talk to them. They sleep in our bed. Paco even sleeps with his head on the pillow...if you listen closely you can hear him snore.

I love how they have such funny personalities.

Michu is the mystic. She's a loner, a daydreamer, a psychotic.

Paco, on the other hand, is cross-eyed. That says it all. He's fat (the vet already put him on a the ripe old age, he's clumsy, and he's macho, but he's the most cuddly cat you'll ever meet.

Like I said, I'm rather nutty. The other day it was pouring down rain and I was walking home from the old city. I reached an intersections and heard the saddest little cry. I stopped dead in my tracks with umbrella in hand and people rushing by me and bumping into me. I finally discovered the source of the high-pitched meow. It was a small calico (sp.) kitten soaking wet under a bush in the median. I swear I stood for a good 10 minutes staring at the median with a huge mental struggle going on. The people just sort of stared at me as if I were a lunatic. "To take or not to take my little pathetic friend home?" That was the question.

In the end, I walked home empty handed, but it was a definite struggle. I realized that 2 cats in our small apartment were enough. However Jose might have been pleased with the idea. He was in fact the one that brought Michu home in the first place. He's a sucker for animals too. I mean, come on, who wants a marina runt with a busted lip and broken tail? My husband. We like to say Michu is from the fits her well.

Jose was also the culprit in bringing Paco home.

Maybe I'm a little bit like my grandmother. I admire her. She always had a house full of animals, from dogs to cats to chickens. At one point she had so many she didn't even give them names. She had a dog named "Hey you". She loves those animals. They are her friends. Heck she even let the chicken sleep in the living room. They give her comfort. Now I don't find much comfort in a chicken, but she did. I'll bet the chicken liked her too. All the other chickens in the neighborhood were quite jealous, though. Material things aren't important to my grandma...friends are. And her animals are her friends. Some people call her crazy, but I think she's cool.

So that's me...Crazy Cat Woman. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be Crazy Chicken Woman too, but for now I'll stick with cats.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Oh I'm jealous, we need an animal buddy. Maybe when they relocate us we'll get a pet. Courtney I love your pictures and that straight on shot of Paco made my day. More soon. Have a lovely evening,

- Michelle Duncan

12:36 a. m.  
Blogger Courtney said...

I love the name Tarzan for your cat, Kelly. I'd love to have a dog too, but my apartment is too small. Michelle- go for it! Get an animal friend. You won't regret it.
I love being able to keep in touch with you guys! This is great.

8:54 a. m.  

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