miércoles, enero 12, 2005

What would the world look like?

A few days ago Jose and I got on a deep spiritual discussion. He brought up two questions, that I didn't think much of at the time, but later was troubled by. I emailed Julie with the same two questions, to see her view. Here's mine...

What would the world be like if EVERYONE were a true follower of Christ who earnestly tried to carry out his teachings? When the Bible says, 'love your brother', what's the definition of brother? The original question used the expression 'true Christian', but there seems to be discrepancies over what that means, so the questioned been changed to 'believing that Christ died for our sins and following his teachings'. Doing what Jesus taught. It seems that people talk too much and need to start really doing what He came to teach. That's where the second question comes in, "What does it mean to love your brother?" More specifically, what's the definition of "brother"? If everyone generally (because we're all sinners) carried out the teachings of Jesus (not just saying that they believe in Him, but actually doing what Jesus called us to do) , would there be hunger and epidemics, would there be wars, would politics exist?

It's an interesting question. I've been thinking about it a lot over the past few days. I don't think that it would be a perfect world by any means, because we are sinners. But isn't it also true that so many of us Christians just aren't doing what Jesus called us to do? Being forgiven isn't enough. I think a lot of Christians are too comfortable with the fact that we are forgiven. We also have to repent, and turn from our sins. (Wow, I just sounded like a southern Baptist preacher! "REPENT!!"...didn't mean to.) We should be constantly praying and trying to be more like Christ, not just content with knowing that we're forgiven. I think a lot of us fall into that rut and we aren't growing. Jose's question was more hypothetical I guess. What would the world look like if everyone dropped everything and followed Jesus? What would we see on the 10 o'clock news? Would people need to steal? Would prostitutes need to sell themselves...would they even have clients? I don't have a clear answer, but I have a feeling things would be different...not wonderful or perfect, but different.

I makes me realize that I'm nothing without God. I'm not good. But even with God, as a Christian believer, I don't think I'm following Him fully. We desperately need grace and mercy. But I believe there comes a time when faith isn't enough...we have to be like Simon Peter, leave everything, and follow him. I don't mean that we are ALL called to be missionaries or to go to Africa or India, but yes we are called to love one another in brotherly love, to love our neighbor as ourselves, to be living sacrifices, to love our enemies, to give to the needy, to turn the other cheek, etc. Things that don't involve travelling to far off lands. It's easy to follow when you consider your "brother" your family or friends, but isn't our brother also our co-worker, our boss, the tough kid from Halifax court, the annoying brat from inside the Beltline, the persistant gypsy begging on the street, and the slimy politician on TV?

What should my response be to the begging gypsies I see everyday? My normal response is nothing...walk on by. By sometimes I think, after-the-fact, what if I had asked the woman what she really needed instead of giving her 50 cents or had stopped to talk to the silent old man sitting on the corner. What if everyone did? It's a difficult situation because most of the gypsies are dishonest and use their babies and old clothes for pity, but as the old cheesy bracelet says...what would Jesus do? My normal response wouldn't be his, I'm sure.

I guess Jose's question was more of a wake up call than anything else. Am I willing to do what Jesus calls me to do? "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." Am I willing to follow him wherever he goes? I would like to say yes, but my selfishness holds me back.

These are all things that everyone knows, we all know what Jesus says about it, but so few actually follow. Why is it so hard for us to follow him? I guess that's why we need him as much as we do.



Anonymous Anónimo said...

It is true that there is some power beyond the comprehension of the human logic or reason. We can call that God or Chance/Luck. But for the rest of the things, it is we as individuals.

Let me quote something here "God created human to see himself, we created God to become Him". Who has seen God. It is not something that can be felt, that can be seen. It is something that can be perceived. It is an experience. We feel that we have seen God, when we do what our heart desires, what out mind reasons "Good/Correct".

So, don't we have God in our mind, in our souls, in our hearts, in our body. Precisely. We have them in ourself. Our body is a the God's place(call it GP), our mind is a GP, our heart is a GP.

Before answering any question, I want to answer to myself, what is a SIN. Does it have a unique and consistent answer? If the term SIN itself can not be defined, how can we be termed sinners.

Yes, God (Jesus Christ) has given his life for us. Does that mean, he has given life for the sinners. It means he has given life for the sins of the world. Now how can we be sinners. We are equal to God. For in all us, he lives.

Regarding the different kind of things that we humans do, different trades, businesses, they are all intended to be there, they would remain. If my heart says it is correct, my mind reasons it good, I will do it. If it does not, then I would abstain from doing it. But should I stop others from doing it? No. Unless something does harm to any other person, physical, psychological, or any other means, it is not a crime, nor a sin.

I conclude this by saying "I am God". Similarly "You are God". Now we are all equal. Now we are all equally pious. Why should I call myself or others a sinner?

2:11 p. m.  

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