miércoles, diciembre 01, 2004

Running on the Spirit... and Coffee

Since Monday I've been teaching English 10 1/2 hours a day and 4 hours on Saturday trying to push forward my December classes so I can take vacation time hile my parents are here for Christmas. I have to keep up with this schedule until December 16. I'm only on day 3 and already struggling. Coffee seems to be my friend these days. I get home at 10 PM grab a quick bite for dinner and jump in bed, just to start all over again at 8AM. Right now my students are doing a listening exercise so I'm using the down time to write this. Jose's been really sweet lately. He made me 'chocolate con churros' last night when I got home. But this is all starting to wear on me, and coffee only goes so far! I'm losing my voice, my mouth hurts from enunciating and going back and forth from English to Spanish, and my back is breaking from standing up all day. So I've decided to turn to the Spirit to keep me going, keep me awake, and not turn me into a Jello Jiggler. Well, I'm off. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Exodus 15:2
The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my victory. He is my God, and I will praise him; he is my father's God, and I will exalt him!



Anonymous Anónimo said...

Praying for you in empathy...I was hired as part-time but immediatly started full-time which I wanted anyway but now I'm starting to pull double shifts and take extra hours for people who have kids because it's flu season. Coffee is my friend too!

- your Gypsy friend Michelle

9:03 p. m.  

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